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The Many Uses of Assistive Technology

Assisted technology is a broad term for rehabilitative, assistive, and therapeutic devices for the elderly or individuals with disabilities. Those who use these devices will often have some form of physical limitation. For example, someone may need to rely on another person to take them to and from their car or to perform other basic tasks. Or they may need help getting into and out of a house or other structure.
Some forms of disabilities may require the use of walkers or other mobility devices in order for the individual to be able to maintain some degree of independence. These devices can be electric or manual, motorized or non-motorized. They can be scooters, motorized wheelchairs, or power wheelchairs.
Others forms of disabilities fall under the definition of disabilities related to the learning disabilities associated with cerebral palsy. If an individual exhibits an inability to learn and retain information, this may also be classified as a functional disability. Other examples of impairments under the learning disabilities category include visually impaired students, deaf/hardly hearing individuals, emotionally or developmentally disabled children, and others. There are many different types of assistive technology that fall under the disabilities category.
One type of device that is used to help students with disabilities is a Computerized Aided Rehabilitation System. This is also known as C ART. The system operates through computer hardware and software and helps students restore their functionality by teaching them how to perform independent tasks. Many of these software programs are developed with input from people who are either learning disabilities or with physical disabilities. In turn, they teach the individual basic skills that they can then practice on their own.
Another type of assistive technology for the learning disabilities category is audio books. Audio books are a convenient way to preserve and transmit information that may not be able to be expressed in words. In the past, people who were unable to read books often had to make do with reams of paper printed on cardboard. Today, though, there are audio books that can be downloaded that have been specifically designed for those who cannot see well enough to read.
Medical equipment that fall under the assistive technology category are rehabilitation wheelchairs and mobility scooters. These devices have helped many individuals overcome the limitations of their physical frames. Today, there are electric mobility scooters that are much lighter and smaller than the traditional manual wheelchairs. There are even some models available that can travel on all four wheels. In addition, there are power wheelchairs that provide help when an individual must get up and down because of a disability.
Another category of assistive technology devices is those that allow a user to maintain, enhance, and improve his or her functional capabilities. The idea behind using these devices is to ensure that a disabled person is capable of doing day-to-day activities as well as typical ones. For example, a person who has undergone a spinal cord injury does not necessarily need to be told to put a brace on his or her wrist in order to protect it. As long as the brace keeps the wrist stable, it will do the job. As such, there are a number of devices in the assistive technology category that work to ensure that a person maintains healthy functional capabilities.
Finally, a variety of home and personal aids are also included in the category of assistive technology. In particular, there are items that can be purchased that can help people stand or walk again, as well as getting in and out of bed. In addition, there are products that can help people bathe or change clothes. As you can see, there is no reason why a disabled individual should suffer from his or her disability for another person to use. Rather, these items can help improve a person’s quality of life and even lead to a happier and more successful existence.

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