A business letter is simply a letter from you to another organization, business, customers, competitors or even other external entities. The content and style of such letter largely depend on the relationship between the people concerned. However, the basic rules are quite the same for all correspondence. So, if you want to create your own letters, we will provide you with some tips and information about how to write them. Read on to get started!
Your Business Letter Headline First of all, make sure that your font size is properly set. The text should be easy to read on the paper. If there are any special or sharp images, they should be at the top of the page. The general rule is that the size of your font should be one inch above the normal line height of the paper.
Layout Of Your Content Make sure that the layout of the content of the business letter format is simple, clean and readable. It should be well organized and simple enough to be understood quickly. Use large, bold and single line typefaces. Underline important texts and use light colored fonts. Do not overcrowd the lines. All these things will help in making the content easier to understand and read.
Introduction Of A Subject The most common mistake in a business letter format is including the sender’s name and address in the body of the letter. However, the name and address should only be included if you have included a reason or information to read the letter. For example, if the letter is from A to B and A wants to inform C of an important meeting, the recipient would appreciate it if a small section of the letter starts with, “Dear Sir or Madam”, followed by a brief introduction of what is expected from the recipient. The introduction should be a couple of sentences at the start, and then continuous paragraphs with your contact information.
Introduction Of Contact Information All business letters should include the contact information, including name, address and phone number. This part should be separate from the subject line, as there are cases where a cover letter is attached along with the incoming mail. In such cases, the cover letter becomes an important part of the business letter format. Start with a brief introduction of yourself or company, then go on to briefly describe your business, services offered, your customer list, products and prices.
Contact Details Of Interest To avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings, always make sure that you include your contact details in the business letter format. A great way of doing so is to insert the information in each and every paragraph of the letter. When sending out standard letters, it is customary to insert the information at the very top of the letter. However, when it comes to small business letters, it is better to put your information below the cover line, since most recipients tend to read the last part first. Always remember that the main purpose of writing the letter is to provide information about you or your company. So always put your personal details at the very end of the letter.
Proofreading Your content is essential to ensure that you can’t overlook any grammatical or spelling mistake. When it comes to formal business letters, readers expect to find it professionally written and well presented. So it’s advisable to proofread extensively before you send out an official document. If you have any error, even a single word can drastically change the impression the recipient has on you or the company.
Font Size And Format You may want to consider the font size and the formatting used in the business letter template before you select the style to use. The font size refers to the type of font used in the text or the number of characters per line. The number of characters per line refers to the total number of characters in the written content. Most common formatting styles are Times New Roman, Arial, Palatino, and Flora. For an elegant and professional look, you may also try Arial, Georgia, and Calista.